Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Christmas hols...

How lovely it was once again to see the whole school taking part in the festive end of term play....The children had to perform, not once, not twice, but five times for the parents and the year 3's , but they coped amazingly well and the teachers/ta's were all very proud of them.

The one thing that sticks in my mind though is of a teacher, who is very scatty and, dare I say blonde. She is a really great teacher and participates in everything with so much enthusiasm...One of the songs we had to sing was 'Bumping up and down on a camel' , to which the children mime holding reins and bumping up and down on their invisible camels. Needless to say Mrs S did the same with her imaginary camel, somehow though this looked very suggestive. It wasnt until the third or forth performance that this was pointed out to her, and bumping up and down on a camel took on a whole new meaning......All eyes were fixed on Mrs S and our stifled laughter was noticed by the bemused parents, who realised exactly why we were laughing .
I had some lovely presents from the kids in our class, chocolates coming out of my ears, but Im not complaining....Hope the kids all had a brilliant Christmas. And Im really looking forward to the start of the new term.....

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