Friday, 4 September 2009

First day back....

This morning we had lots of smiles, a few tears, and one very very distraught mum whose uncontrollable sobbing set off her, ' happy to be here' daughter into hysterics. One little lad did his impression of a limpet....we finally prized him off his mums leg!!

The morning was pretty uneventful really, but at lunchtime ( I forgot to mention I am also a dinnerlady) the little angels were a bit manic, I always find that the blustery wind always sets them off...Anyway, one little lad, who is a bit troublesome at the best of times decided to hide in some bushes, that are normally out of bounds. I asked him to come out , I got the defiant stare and the crossed arms. It was at this point I spotted the mass of cobwebs, panic overcame me!! ''PLEASE come out Dillon there are lots of spiders in there and I really dont like them. I will walk away now and I would like you to follow''. Eventually he came out and joined the line to go back to class.

Story time....'' come and sit on the carpet everyone, lets read this one about a dragon'' I said emphasising the DRAGON with a loud roar.....All the children started to laugh, some had an intake of breath, like putty in my hand, I thought, suddenly Julia cried, ''Miss miss, you've got a spider on your tee shirt. I was up out of that chair and jumping around the classroom desparately flicking and shaking my shirt....the kids thought this was hilarious.....all respect GONE !!!

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