Tuesday, 8 September 2009

What a week!!!

Being the first week back after six long weeks off, I came home absolutely shattered ! Our kids this year are much younger than last and a lot more demanding .

For our first Literacy session with our new kids the teacher read them a lovely story of a little girl who was sent to her room because she had been a bit naughty, but instead of sulking she decided to play 'lets pretend'....She was a tiger in the jungle and she was crawling around her bedroom roaring and catching things for her dinner, (you get the picture) Now it was the kids turn to be tigers and they had to crawl around the classroom and under the tables to their 'caves' . As I was walking around listening to the roaring and laughing I came across a sound that was nothing like a tiger or any other animal for that matter, 'peeyow, peeyow'.
''Jamie that really doesnt sound like a tiger to me'', I said. '' I hate tigers,''he said so matter of factly,'' so I am a hunter and Im shooting all the nasty tigers before they eat me!!!'' Nice!!

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