Friday, 11 September 2009


As TA's we take the class while teachers have whats called PPA time, where they plan sessions for the following week. In this time we do various things with them , this week I gave my children a problem to solve, ie Teddy's chair is broken and he would love a new one, how are we going to make it?.....
After getting out all the junk modelling, glue sticks, sellotape etc, they set to work, in little groups to come up with a chair that teddy could sit on. Little Naomi, bless her, got a cereal box and stuck her apple core (which she had fished out of the bin from snack time) to the box. She said it was to cheer teddy up because he would be missing his old chair!!
Jack decided he was going to cover the teddys nether regions with glue and stick him to his 'chair'. Teddy is now pegged up by his ears looking very sad on my washing line....I love my job :-)

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